Mornings with the Lord
Best-selling author Doreen Virtue invites you to set your day's intentions on a loving and positive note by spending every morning with the Lord! Every page of this uplifting devotional features a meditation, prayer, and relevant biblical verse to reaffirm your connection with heaven, the angels, and God. You can read the book daily,
spending a year in contemplation, or open it at random to receive guidance pertaining to a specific question or concern.
Whether you are a longtime student of scripture, new to the Bible, or looking to reacquaint yourself with its love-based wisdom, you will find Doreen's gentle devotional reflections and commentary inspiring and supportive
of your path. This wonderfully positive book is for anyone desiring to develop a closer loving relationship with the Lord!
"Through my faith in God, I have found happiness and the most blissful unconditional love I've ever experienced.
Dear one, it is my prayer that you do the same."